Bird Flu & Swine Flu News

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Avian influenza prevention and treatments

by Groshan Fabiola

vian influenza affects chickens and the poultry industry, recombined with the human influenza viruses form a totally new influenza virus to which people do not have protection that spreads in the population and that causes serious illness and death in humans. Bird Flu is an infectious disease of birds that can also affect people. It can present mild or severe forms of illness. The only subtype that can cause severe illness to people is Influenza A /H5N1 virus, initially it affects chickens, ducks and other birds by the process of mutation they can become highly pathogenic. If the bird flu virus recombines with a human flu virus and mutate it may become possible the transmission from human to human as happened in Asia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia Thailand, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Eygpt, China, and Iraq where people died. Bird flu affected Australia in 1997 but, was eradicated.

Water birds are supposed to carry the avian influenza type A virus inside their intestines and to distribute it in the environment through bird faeces.

Infection determines many symptoms in wild and domesticated birds from mild illnesses to highly contagious and severe epidemics. Among them a decline in activity and in egg production, facial swelling and bluish-violet colored combs and wattles, diarrhea, hemorrhages, paralysis, sudden deaths. Signes and symptoms of bird flu in humans are similar to other influenza viruses: sore throat and cough, fever, muscle weakness and/or pain with complications such as: severe viral pneumonia, respiratory distress syndrome, multi- organ failure, eye infections, pneumonia, inflammation of the brain and heart.

Health experts have made research into tests and vaccines, and rigorous quarantine practices. Spanish flu was the worst influenza pandemic and occurred in 1918-19. There have been adopted governmental federal plans Australian Action Plan for Pandemic Influenza, to prevent an outbreak among poultry farms. Treatments of bird flu are antiviral drugs, Relenza and Tamiflu, but some of these drugs are expensive and supplies are limited. To prevent recombination of avian with the human influenza virus: is recommended a vaccine used against circulating strains in humans to those exposed to bird flu. A vaccine against bird flu is in development.

Suggestions for people travelling to affected countries:

Wash eggs thoroughly before breaking and wash your hands thoroughly after handling eggs. Don't go to farms or market places. Wash hands, utensils thoroughly after handling raw poultry. Cook poultry at high temperatures. You may get help from: a doctor, Avian Influenza Hotline, Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Communicable Diseases Section.

Remember: Although bird flu is spread between birds it affects humans through bird faeces and discharges.

If you seem to get flu symptoms see immediately a doctor and explain him how exposed you have been to avian influenza.

About the Author
For more information about bird flu or even about bird flu treatment please review this page

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Avian influenza prevention and treatments


Friday, January 18, 2008

WHO Confirms Human-To-Human Bird Flu Case

The World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Thursday, December 27 2007, it had established a single case of human infection of the H5N1 bird flu virus in a sick family in Pakistan but there was no apparent risk of it spreading further.

A statement from the U.N. agency said tests in its special laboratories in Cairo and London had established the "human infection" through presence of the virus "collected from one case in an affected family."

But it said a WHO team invited to Pakistan to look into an outbreak involving up to nine people from late October to Dec. 6 had found no evidence of sustained or community human-to-human transmission.

No identified close contacts of the people infected, including health workers and other members of the affected family, had shown any symptoms and they had all been removed from medical observation, the WHO added.

The outbreak followed a culling of infected chickens in the Peshawar region, in which a veterinary doctor was involved. Subsequently he and three of his brothers developed proven or suspected pneumonia.

The brothers cared for one another and had close personal contact both at home and in hospital, a WHO spokesman in Geneva said. One of them, who was not involved in the culling, died on Nov. 23, but the cause of death was not known.

On Nov. 28 another brother who had not been involved in the culling died, and tests on him -- in Pakistan as well as in Cairo and London -- had established the presence of the H5N1 virus.

The WHO spokesman said there was suspicion that there had been human-to-human transmission -- as there had been similar suspicion of such transmission within families in Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam -- but this could not be confirmed.

Last week, WHO assistant director-general for health security and environment David Heymann told a Geneva news briefing that an investigation team in Pakistan "feels that this could be an instance of close contact human-to-human transmission, just like happened in Indonesia and Thailand."

The WHO spokesman told Reuters on Thursday all the evidence "suggests that the outbreak within this family does not pose a broader risk. He added: "But there is already heightened surveillance and there is a need for ongoing vigilance."


WHO Confirms Human-To-Human Bird Flu Case


Thursday, January 10, 2008

How bird flu is manifested in humans

by Groshan Fabiola

Professor Peter Openshaw, head of respiratory infections at National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London answered some questions regarding bird flu symptoms.
Which are the symptoms of the bird flu in humans? The symptoms of bird flu in humans are similar with those of an ordinary flu with fever, cough, muscle aches and short breath. Pay attention if your temperature goes up to 38 degrees, it might be bird flu but, if the temperature is lower it might be only a common flu. In almost half of the cases bird flu seems to be like an abdominal flu with diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting. So, to be sure you should perform some tests, if you hadn't been in contact with sick poultry then you don't need to worry for sure it's only an ordinary flu.

How to be sure that is bird flu and not any other common flu? After the exposure in 3-7 days the symptoms develop. By the time patients get to the hospital it is too late to follow a treatment with antiviral agents.

How quickly is manifested the disease ? Bird flu should be treated within two days after developing fever of 38 degrees, that's why is so important to measure your temperature. Severe symptoms that lead to death: The organ which is most affected is the lung and that's why most people die. Some are developing kidney problems and more than a half bone marrow deficiency, so the bone is not producing cells to deal with the infection so the body is overwhelmed.

What is to be done if someone suspects that he is infected? It is very important to get close to a medical facility that can provide artificial ventilation if necessary and antiviral drugs, especially in the early stages of the disease. Next, the treatment is supportive and needs to overcome the kidney or lung failure and the spreading of the virus. The only subtype that can cause severe illness to people is Influenza A /H5N1 virus, initially it affects chickens, ducks and other birds by the process of mutation they can become highly pathogenic. Because highly pathogenic viruses can survive for long periods in tissue, water and in the environment, especially when temperatures are low is transmitted very easily in chickens and other birds through direct contact with feces and secretions from infected birds, eggs, feed, water, cages equipment, vehicles and clothing. Public health authorities monitor human illnesses associated with avian influenza. In Hong-Kong occured for the first time infection both in humans and poultry and were killed about 1.5 million chickens. In China and Hong-Kong avian influenza A (H9N2) virus infection affected two children who recovered. The source was unknown, but suspected the poultry.

About the Author
For more information about bird flu or even about symptoms of bird flu please review this page


How bird flu is manifested in humans


Sunday, January 6, 2008

Key Differences Between Bird Flu And Other Flu Types

Submitted By: Sarah Jenkins

There are three types of influenza viruses: A, B, and C. Of these, type A is further classified into subtypes, H and N. Type A affects people and numerous animals, while B and C typically affect humans only. Each type varies in severity, with A being the most dangerous, then B, and C being the least severe.

Bird flu is of the A type of influenza virus, one of more severe types. While several subtypes and strains exist, H5N1 is the most widely known and feared form of bird flu.

One of the primary differences of bird flu and the other types of the influenza virus is the way it is transmitted. Other strains of the flu virus, common among humans, are passed from human to human through saliva and mucus. This is done through sneezing, coughing, or breathing on or near someone. H5N1, on the other hand, is only transmitted from poultry to humans, and is done so through direct contact with the animals or their feces.

Another difference between the regular flu virus and H5N1 is the availability of a vaccine. The regular flu has been an irritant to people for some time. As a result, steps were taken long ago to challenge the virus and lessen the impact it had on people. Every year, people go in droves to receive a flu vaccine to avoid the virus. However, a vaccine has not been developed for the mutated form of bird flu that is to come. The reason for this is multifaceted. One reason is the lengthy development process. H5N1 has been a serious threat to humans for less than two years, since the outbreak of the virus began in Vietnam in January of 2004. Therefore, there has not been significant time to research and create a vaccine for the virus. Also, little purpose lies in creating a vaccine for the current strain of H5N1, as the real threat will come when the virus mutates. A vaccine that is developed now will be useless when mutation occurs, at which point a vaccine will really be needed. So, the virus must first be allowed to mutate and only then can an effective vaccine be developed.

The other variation between bird flu and other flu strains is the severity of the symptoms. While symptoms of sneezing, coughing, sore throat and fever are similar, the symptoms easily become severe in cases of bird flu.

About the Author:
Sarah is an acclaimed writer on medical matters, and has written extensively on the subjects of Attention Deficit Disorder, Bird Flu and Crohn’s Disease. For more of her articles, go to now. Click here now and read more of her articles.

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Key Differences Between Bird Flu And Other Flu Types


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What Bird Flu Protection - Gas Mask? Bird Flu Mask? 3m Face Mask? Nanomask? N95 Mask?

Submitted By: Arthur Craig Miller

As President Bush announced his $7.1 billion strategy to prepare for the danger of a pandemic influenza outbreak, scientists and doctors reminded us that the plan to stock antiviral drugs may be flawed. World production of the drug is being outstripped by demand and currently the U.S. has ordered only enough of the anti-virals Tamiflu and Relenza for about 5 million people. Orders may be placed, but if the drugs cannot be produced on time then what help are they to us? In addition, current drugs may be of little use if new virus strains emerge which are resistant to current medication.

A vaccine for Bird Flu is not available. A vaccine against SARS has not even been produced, and it's been over two years since SARS first struck. Think about it logically - according to the medical establishment, even a cure for the common cold has eluded medical science. What realistic chance is there for a Bird Flu cure in the near future? Even if a Bird Flu vaccine is developed, it must still be produced in mass quantities and that takes months or even years. What happens if Bird Flu transmits fully to humans, and arrives in your community tomorrow?

The only stable, scientific proof of what actually works in protecting humans and preventing Bird Flu is the mask - more specifically the Nano Mask - NanoMask®

The NanoMask has been subjected to rigorous scientific testing and evaluation. According to Nelson Laboratories of Salt Lake City, an independent testing lab of such filters, Bacteriophage MS-2 is the recognised standard testing organism for many filters. Being one of the smallest used viruses at 220nm it is able to give a higher challenge to the filter media.

NanoMask® (Nano Mask) designed by Emergency Filtration Products, has been tested down to 27 nanometers or .027 microns. Good enough to stop H5N1, SARS, and other viruses.

The president of Emergency Filtration, Doug Beplate, advised that the primary reason NanoMasks are so successful in stopping viruses is their unique nanoparticle coating on each filter. Beplate said, "The nanoparticle coating joins with chlorine particles to achieve an arrest and eradication of undesirable agents." In other words, biohazardous particulates like H5N1 are not only blocked, but destroyed, thanks to the nanoparticle coating. Yes, it actually kills the virus upon contact.

A traditional filter without the nanoparticle coating, like N95, would turn into a breeding ground for a virus or bacterial agent. Thus we caution you against using any N95 mask in a pandemic or epidemic, or even to stop ordinary colds.

But first, examine the table below showing virus sizes, so you can judge for yourself how effective the NanoMask is. The abbreviation nm means nanometer, which is one billionth of a meter. N95 can only filter out material greater in size than .3 microns, which is equal to 300 nanometers.

Every virus you see in the table below is smaller than 300 nanometers, therefore, N95's manufactured by 3M and most other masks are useless against these viruses and others.

Virus (Description) / Size Bacteriophage (MS) / 220nm Hepatitis / 24nm - 30nm Adenovirus / 70nm HIV / (AIDS) / 80nm Cytomegalovirus / 100nm Orthomyxovirus / 120nm Coronavirus (SARS) / 80nm - 160nm

Some quick reminders then as to why so many experts believe that the NanoMask offers the best bird flu protection and bird flu prevention available:

* Ordered by the United States Department of Defence for all military troops.

* Removes virus and bacteria from inhaled and exhaled breath.

* The first face mask in the world to use nanotechnology enhanced filter media to isolate and destroy viral and bacterial pathogens.

* Two-piece mask completely adjustable and reusable. The replaceable filter is disposable. Easy to insert a new filter. Shelf life is 1 year without exposure to UV rays.

* The enhanced facial seal allows the NanoMask (Nano Mask) to overcome the most critical failing of typical N95 masks. Adjustable for children age two and greater.

* Low profile doesn't interfere with eye wear.

* Mask is easy to clean and reuse over and over. Just soak in diluted bleach.

* Lightweight and portable.

Of all the methods available to protect your family, such as antivirals, vaccines, herbs, etc., a NanoMask® (Nano Mask) is the least costly in terms of time and money, and probably the most effective.

All trademarks acknowledged as belonging to their respective owners.

About the Author:

Arthur Craig Miller [ ] Arthur Craig Miller is a medical writer and researcher. He became interested in the common cold and flu cure, after almost losing his child to a near fatal lung disease. A staunch advocate of the ColdARREST 3 minute drug-free procedure and NanoMask protection.


What Bird Flu Protection - Gas Mask? Bird Flu Mask? 3m Face Mask? Nanomask? N95 Mask?